2. Steve Winwood made a sexfire in the Toyota Center Wednesday night. If you missed it you're probably still hunched over in agony from the 11-4 kneecapping delivered by the purple and gold glitteratti that is LSU baseball.
3. The smelly proprietors over at Indie Houston press on with their crusade at trying to make Houston independent music relevant. We share their same delusional affliction, as to this day we refuse to believe that Macaulay Culkin's character dies at the end of My Girl.

Fucking bees
4. Hair Balls scribe and prostitute frequenter, John Royal, gives his take on the organ blending plague that is this year's Astros team. Royal ultimately suggests the tack hammer mercy killing of Jason Michaels, a charity to which we'd happily donate.
5. It's someone important's birthday this weekend and to celebrate you will find most Lords flipping a lobotomizing amount of alcohol as we crash the moat of one of our many Height's castles. This anticipatively jubilant weekend is best discussed amongst the angelic tones and godly hair of sisters Wilson.
Happy Friday Motherfuckers!
I thought this was the Narnia movie at first! Ann Wilson = Aslan? My mind is blown right now...
Thanks for the shout out, Bleach Brown! Looking forward to moat crashing tomorrow!
Thanks for sending indiehouston some love!
It wasn't the bees. It was the mind-altering substances Shelly slipped into their peanut butter and banana sandwiches earlier that afternoon.
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